wall at suwon

Wednesday, May 26, 2010 | |

wall at suwon
Suwon, June 2009. A great day trip from Seoul--just hop the no. 1 metro line and take it all the way to the Suwon stop.

wall from suwon
Tribune Tower, Chicago, March 2008


조안나 said...

Can I suggest something? The photos on your blog are so big that I can't see it all at once, I have to scroll. It kind of detracts from the viewing experience. Anyway, your photos are great as usual! Just a suggestion...

조안나 said...
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Mark Z said...

Hi Joanna, thanks for the suggestion! Is it just the portrait-oriented ones that you have to scroll through, or the landscape ones too? I go back and forth on how big to have them on my blog...I have them on my flickr, but flickr only hosts a 500 px and a 1024 px version, nothing in between. I used to upload them at 800 wide so that would be the full-size, and I could put that on my blog, but then you couldn't view them any larger than that on flickr...sigh. Lol.

Anyway, hope you're enjoying being back in Korea!

조안나 said...

On my browser the landscape photos are just slightly cut off when I try to look at the entire picture. I suppose it might be different browser to browser or screen size to screen size...

anyway, I've been looking at some more of your photos... they're really amazing!

Mark Z said...

Ah, ok. Thanks so much for the feedback! Glad you enjoy the pics. :)