
Saturday, December 25, 2010 | |


Coolidge Corner, August 2010

Hi there! It's been a great few months—new surroundings, new professors, new friends. And having successfully survived my first semester of grad school, I feel like I'm allowed to indulge myself by firing up Lightroom again and processing some old photos.

On a non-photo related note: In my quest to become an effective communicator of science and sciencey things, I've started a new blog for my attempts in this arena. It is called Airless Saharas, a reference to a quotation from Winwood Reade's The Martyrdom of Man. I have only one post there, but my goal for next semester is to turn this blog into my go-to method of procrastination, so hopefully posts will appear regularly. If you do stop by and read anything I post there, my thanks and appreciation! Feel free to leave me any feedback, if you are so inclined.

Merry Christmas and happy holidays.