steam and snow

Friday, January 07, 2011 | |

steam and snow
Aaron at the Boston Holocaust Memorial, December 2010.

My friend Aaron was last seen on this blog a year ago with the most adorable cat in the world, when I was visiting his hometown of Daejeon. This year, he's studying abroad at UC-Davis and came to visit me over winter break. For his vacation, he started by spending a week in New York City, where I met up with him for an afternoon. We rode the Chinatown bus back to Boston (and lived to tell the tale), hung out around town for a couple days, and then flew back to Minnesota for Christmas and New Years. There was much skiing (of both cross-country and downhill varieties), snowshoeing, coffee drinking with friends, movies with Jeff Bridgeses, taking pictures with freezing hands in the freezing cold, and discussion about hipsters. Suhweeeet!