At my grandfather's house, last month. The house sold; the new residents moved in the next day.
It's been an intense couple of months since the last time I blogged with any sort of news.
Quick update, for those of you interested: I was in Japan for 10 days with Jiksu and visited a cousin and a friend from the U of M. I came back to Korea for a weekend to hang out with my friends one last time, then flew home. A few days later, I started visiting grad schools, making separate trips out to Michigan State, Boston University, and Rutgers. In the end I chose BU, and I'm really psyched about that. I also went to Florida for 9 days to hang out with some German friends from our high school exchange who flew over in search of the mythical American Spring Break. All in all, it was a pretty whirlwind month, with ridiculous amounts of time spent in airports (and lots of points racked up in Foursquare).
So I'm back in Superior now. Coming back to America was more of an adjustment than I ever imagined it would be--both the reverse culture shock (People understand when I say words! All the time! It's scary! It's like they're in my mind!), and how intensely I missed everything and everyone in Asia (I stopped editing photos for a while because it was too painful to not be there).
So that's, you know, coming along.
In the meantime, I'm driving down to Mpls today for Friday's opening at the Mpls Photo Center's new exhibit Landscapes: Unfeigned or Illusory. (Sorry to sound like a broken record to anyone who knows me on Facebook.)
You're Invited to the Opening Reception featuring the work of 64 photographers, 71 images, submitted by photographers from the United States and 16 countries around the world
Friday, April 23rd, 2010, from 7:00 - 9:00pm. Featuring the music of Eddie Estrin. On exhibit April 23 - June 13, 2010.
Feel free to stop by on Friday night! I haven't seen the prints yet (I let the MPC do it for me, as I was traveling so much), so I'm a bit nervous to see them for the first time. Hate to have any artifacts rear their ugly heads...
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